Monday, November 26, 2012

International Contacts

As I listen to podcast I am learning about several professionals, and in targeting international contacts recently I listened to the podcast that featured Maysoun Chehab who trains early childhood professionals, advocates and creates programs for children in Lebanon and surrounding areas. One of her focuses in psychosocial support projects. What really caught my attention was a program in which they implemented following the War in Lebanon. 126 primary schools where destroyed. The program targeted parents and teachers on the affects children could be experiencing from the trauma of war.The program gave made parents more comfortable in assessing and dealing with the situation support projects range of social and emotional effects. The resource center provides other programs of this same nature.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Megan! I feel that the segment on how to help parents and children cope with the effects of the war is very positive. It might also give that parents a sense of relief and encouragement.
