Sunday, January 27, 2013

Research that benefits Children and Families

If I could imagine a research project that will positively affect children and their families I would conduct research on how effective the current methods used to help children cope with abuse are. The outcome I expect that we can determine the best practices and create standards in which professionals can use.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Research Simulation

The topic of interest for me is children who live in poverty. I chose this topic becuase recently I have encountered a child with clearly defined developmental concerns and he is from a low income family. The reactions that the family has to these issues is not a common one. So I wonder if there environment plays a key part of their reactions. I want to research how poverty effects social development duri g early childhood years. Poverty is one of the largest issues affecting our country as well as many other nations. To my fellow colleagues I welcome any thoughts, comments or ideas concerning the topic.