Sunday, April 7, 2013

Global Children's Initiative

I have yet to hear back from the professionals I contacted. So I chose to take the alternate assignment and  review the website
The priorities of the initiative is in this area is to adapt the successful work the Center has conducted in the United States for a broader range of strategically selected audiences, in an effort to energize and reframe the global dialogue around investments in the earliest years of life. To this end, we plan to educate the leadership of key international agencies, publish and disseminate papers to establish a strong scientific framework for global work, and conduct systematic communications research to identify the most effective ways to translate the science of child development for global policymakers.The second priority is to generate and apply new knowledge that addresses the health and developmental needs of young children in a variety of settings.  In this effort, the Center is pleased to operate the Özyegin Family - AÇEV Global Early Childhood Research Fund, which supports cutting-edge research conducted by Harvard scholars and their collaborators across a variety of fields and disciplines related to early childhood development. With this fund, the Center and AÇEV seek to advance global understanding of the early childhood roots of disparities in learning, health and behavior to have an impact on policy and practice in countries around the world.

I specifically took a look at a program entitled "A Good Start" in Chile where the goal is to improve early childhood education through teacher professional development.   The program also focuses on health of children to improve school attendance. Not only is Chile the only country receiving aid the imitative is also active in other countries as well.

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