Sunday, August 25, 2013

When I think of research.............

As the end of the course approaches I think about my journey with research. In the beginning I was no stranger to research, but I have learned a lot over the semester.  Especially when it comes to research design and choosing a method of design.  It is important to ensure the validity of your research design, consider ethical issues, and recognize limitations in your research study. In the creation of my research study I encountered design problems in the beginning but adjusted the method that I was using.  In early childhood education research is a necessity to evaluate current methods, policies and procedures.  Research has been the sole way of developing new ideas for the field for years. For myself as an early childhood professional this course has changed the way I look at the field and things that I experience daily. I now think about to improve through research, through studying new methods and theories, staying current is a necessity.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,
    Great post. It's great to read about your reflection on this course. I, too, learned alot from this course especially about research design and choosing a research design. Thanks for your input.
