My passion for advocacy in the beginning was more focused on working with children who have suffered from abuse. But now as we have begin to explore my passion is fueled by the changes that need to occur in the early childhood field. Many do not view early childhood as a field that is necessary to the education system but it is and those early years in a child's like build lasting connections for a lifetime. Lobbying for funds to create and support early childhood education is now a passion for me.
There are many resources available in my area, one of those being the local Partnership for Children, which houses the local Smart Start program as well. Having this agency at my disposal will be a place that I can go and get involved with advocacy programs/projects. They also resource connections in the local, state, and federal government.
Being new to advocacy I have room to grow in developing my skills as an advocate. I hope to get involved on local level with the agency I stated above to gain more experience in the field.
CHICAGO, Dec 16 (New York Times) —
"Mr. Obama’s platform, which Mr. Duncan helped write, emphasizes extending care to infants and toddlers as well, and it makes helping poor children a priority. It would also provide new federal financing for states rolling out programs to serve young children of all incomes."
Mr. Obama’s platform accepts the broad logic of the Ypsilanti study. “For every one dollar invested in high-quality, comprehensive programs supporting children and families from birth,” the platform says, “there is a $7-$10 return to society in decreased need for special education services, higher graduation and employment rates, less crime, less use of the public welfare system and better health.”