Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Code of Ethics

This week we were assigned as resources code of ethics from DEC and NAEYC, with the task of choosing three ideals that we feel are important. 

From DEC:

We shall demonstrate our respect and appreciation for all families’ beliefs, values, customs, 
languages, and culture relative to their nurturance and support of their children toward achieving 
meaningful and relevant priorities and outcomes families’ desire for themselves and their children. 

This is a very important part of an educator job.  Understanding the family and their beliefs provides the ideals that the professional should want to help that child achieve.  As a teacher I always want to communicate with the family and make sure we are all working together to help the child reach their full potential in all aspects development.


I-1.2—To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood
education, child development, and related disciplines,
as well as on particular knowledge of each child.

As a professional we have a responsibility to provide each child with the best care we can and to do this you must maintain knowledge of the field and practices.  By knowing each child, you know exactly what that child needs and then can assess how to help the child. Every child deserves the highest quality of care.

I-4.6—To promote knowledge and understanding of
young children and their needs. To work toward
greater societal acknowledgment of children’s rights
and greater social acceptance of responsibility for the
well-being of all children.

Many people are unaware just how important early childhood education is or they view childcare facilities as a place where children play all day long.  And yes children do learn from play but it as a early childhood professional we must advocate for the children so they can receive services and education they need.  It is important to me to support the efforts raising awareness for early childhood education.

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