Sunday, December 1, 2013

Conflict and Communication

Most recently at work we are facing a conflict between staff and management, as I am a part of the management team.  The issue is that we are not achieving the success we can potentially have because of quality and aesthetic problems, and the staff has their own opinions on these issues. One strategy we used in solving this issue is using some of the guidelines of nonviolent communication.  We needed to understand each side of of the issue in a clear and respectful manner.  With this in mind we had a staff meeting to have an open conversation about goals, plans and where we needed to go, allowing everyone to input on the conversation without bias. Another strategy that is helpful is situations like this is the 3 R's, being respectful, reciprocal, and responsive.  Each party needed to be respectful to one another and their positions and contributions to the program. Then be understanding and responsive to each others opinions, suggestions, and ideas. In the end the biggest ideal in solving conflict is to be clear in your own intentions and be respectful to the other party.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,

    Management teams have the tough task of often knowing they are walking into a non-supportive climate then turning that around. It is great to hear your team has taken the time to listen and consider the viewpoint of the staff. There is often great talent out there just waiting to be heard.
