Monday, November 25, 2013

Communication cont.

When looking at my communication test results and what others assessed of my communication, what surprised me the most is how accurate that the results are.  When it comes to communication, one on one is what I prefer.  Public speaking and  or speaking in front of small groups often times causes me to have slight anxiety. I have taken public speaking classes before, which the class became very close and so the atmosphere turned into what I considered family like, therefore it became very easy for me.  Recently stepping into a management role has forced me to face this fear of public speaking again.  I have become comfortable speaking at staff meetings, which is a small group, speaking with parents has always been easy for me; but now I must present training's to my staff and staff from several other centers at once. When faced with this situation for the first time my anxiety was at an all time high, but by the second half of the presentation I was much more comfortable.  This week I have learned about perceptions and how important it is not to let my own schemas effect how I communicate with other individuals.  I also learned a lot about my self and how I view my communication skills. Taking in consideration what I have learned I will be able to better communicate with families and commit to working on my communication and anxiety.  

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