Sunday, October 18, 2015

Profile a Volunteer

Community service is a major part of my life. Being that I am in a alumni chapter of a sorority we complete community service at least once a month here in our local community. So it's really board for me to choose just one individual who represents an example of a volunteer because I know so many women who live to give back to their community, but if I have to choose one of my sisters is a veteran so she supports homeless veterans by creating an organization with that as the sole purpose. Her  organization hosts events like operation stand down where she involves other organizations to provide supplies or information for the veterans and raise money to assist in other efforts. Her organization also supports current military personnel by sending care packages. Her passion for helping others is so clear in her work and I only hope to become like that one day.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Using Social Media to Get Connected

The Internet has taken over the world, the biggest sites are social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These sites can be effective toils of advocacy and creating awareness on topics, they also provide a quick way to reach a mass number of individuals.

In my own advocacy experiences I have supported campaigns by posting certain images or videos to my own site, shared advocacy efforts that u come across with others. Most recently a soror of my Sandra Bland died in police custody, I joined the advocacy efforts to bring awareness to the "All lives Matter" by posting the image Sandy Speaks to my profile.

When social media is used correctly it can be a powerful movement.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Advocacy through Advertisment

The Love has no Labels campaign is designed to cause individals to end thier biases against others. This is one of the biggest problems facing our nation now, many groups of peole feel they are being discriminated against including African Americans, the LGBT community, and the hispanic community. This campaign in important to the success to our future as a country.

The other campaign that is caught my attention was an education adveristment, that begin in the 70s with the slogan, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". Now it has moved to "A better future" which encourages individuals to support UNCF and seek higher education.  Since the campaign begin millions of minorty children have attened college. A better future is something that all minority children can benefit from.
