Saturday, May 12, 2012

This picture is me and one of my students at her first dance recital.  I begin teaching her when she was two, it was her first time in childcare.  By me simply taking the time each day to talk with her parents and having them come into the classroom for special occasions, we formed a close bond.  I remained her teacher until she was four years old when she moved to our other center location for pre-k.This is why I love early childhood; to me its not just caring and teaching children, they are my family and we impact each others lives!


  1. Megan,
    One of my personal favorite parts about teaching young children is the bonds you make with children and families. I have had the pleasure of teaching children in my classroom and then later on having their siblings or having a parent of one of my kids tell another parent who is just starting their child at the school to try and get them into my room. I also have had parents whose children have moved onto preschool write letters or come back to visit and say they miss the consistency and attention to care they had with me. It is a great feeling to know that you touch the lives of these children and families as much as they touch yours.

    1. Megan,
      How old is she now? She is looking so nervous. My grandaughter, who lives in Georgia, is having her first dance recital on the 17th and I hate that I will not be with her on that day.

  2. Just recently turned 5. We took these pictures after the show, she did great on stage. She was was't so happy about all the pictures afterwards!
