Sunday, May 26, 2013

Perspective on Culture and Diversity

After asking several individuals in my life what is their definition of culture and diversity I learned that every one has their own opinion for each of these words.  I also learned that many people really do not know exactly how to separate the two.  One of my friends said that culture is traditions, beliefs and vales passed down generation to generation. Which is some of what we have been learning in this class.    Others see diversity just as differences among individuals, which is true but really their culture is what makes them different.  This assignment really helped me see how unaware others are of what culture and diversity are.  Though people have a general idea, when asked it makes you look at the things you see in your life as cultural or not.  My awareness for determining differences in others as well as knowing what part of my culture that I feel should be carried on to the next generation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that most people are not aware of what culture and diversity is in the complex definition but do have some understanding of what it means. Most people do believe it has something to do with how you are raised and who you are raised around including the things you thought were common.
