Monday, November 11, 2013


I watched a television show that I have wanted to see but never have, Once Upon a Time. I viewed the original episode on Netflix.  In the beginning of the episode there was an introduction using words that outlined the plot of the episode.  Then there was a male character who I assumed to be a prince because he was riding a horse and then approached what looked to be sleeping beauty surrounded by dwarfs, he had a look of worry on his face, they removed the top and he kissed the women. She awakened with a look of shock then happiness and then it showed the two of them getting married.  Their wedding was interrupted by a woman dressed in black, who was moving people out of the way with her power, her face was scowling at the man and women(prince and princess). The show then moves to present day where a woman walks in a restaurant and is having dinner with a man, they smile back and forth while talking then the man looks enraged and knocks over the table and runs out.  She has a serious expression and chases the man.  Once back at home a child comes to her door and by the looks they have an intense conversation. I assumed this child knew her, but she did not know him.  When I went back and watched the episode with the sound, indeed the two characters in the beginning where sleeping beauty and her prince.  The women is related to the child, he appears and reveals that he is the child she put up for adoption 10 years ago.  Watching the show without sound makes you realize communication that we do with our facial expressions, hand movements, and reactions to others.  The nature of this show having the written statements in the beginning gave me some idea of what to expect when the characters appeared on the screen, without this my assumptions may have been far from correct.

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