Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcoming Families Around The World

The family enrolling in my center would be from Singapore.
To prepare for this family I would research some cultures and traditions of the people from Singapore. I would also makes sure the classroom reflects cultural diversity by placing diverse pictures, and books around the room. I would also look at our menu options in order to be prepared to offer the family a list of options that we can provide for their child.  I would inform the staff that we are having a family from Singapore joining the center, and prepare that child's teacher by sharing the information I would found about Singaporeans culture.  I would also ensure the classroom looks welcoming by making sure the colors around the room are bright.  By being proactive and preparing for this family I hope that the family will see that we value them as part of our center.  Also that we respect their culture and their beliefs enough to make changes in the menu and other areas to accommodate to their needs.  For the center and staff  I would hope that being prepared for a family shows the pride we take in the profession and how we want to meet the needs of children and families.


  1. Hi Megan,
    I think early preparation before the student arrives is the key to helping the student make a smooth transition. You clearly showed how you how you would be proactive and do that.

  2. Great preparation for the student as well as the family. I believe learning what the children will eat and not eat and what things are available to them is being proactive and also showing that you care.
