Sunday, June 30, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

My hope for families of diverse cultures and backgrounds is that when they join our educational system that they feel welcome, and that their needs be met.  I want those of different cultures to be able to express their cultures in our classrooms for other children to learn from them. I want these families to feel like they are no different from anyone else. My professional goal is to continue to educate teachers and other individuals about diversity and creating equity in the classrooms. As this course comes to an end I want to thank my colleagues for sharing their experiences and knowledge with me. This has been one of the best courses I have taken here at Walden. Good Luck to you all in your future endeavors.


  1. Hi Megan,
    It's been great communicating with you through this blog. I also said that this has been the best course I've taken at Walden. :-) Good luck with the rest of the classes. Hopefully we'll get to work together again.

  2. Hello Megan, it has really been a pleasure being a part of the class with you. I pray that you reach all of your goals and continue to aspire to be the best you can be in education. I really believe you will be one that will show students how important they are and help them to be the best students they can possibly be. God bless you and good luck in all you endeavor to do.
